Monday, March 16, 2015

48 Hour Fast

It wasn't possible for me to do my 48 hour fast over spring break. I spent a large portion of my break at work, on the computer and phone. When I wasn't at work I was blogging, posting on social media and connecting with friends via text or phone call to plan activities. If I would have done my fast over spring break I probably would have lost my job, and possibly my friends - haha. 

I have done a 72 hour phone fast before, and it was challenging. I couldn't pick when I did the fast, which made planning my life extremely difficult. I was in eighth grade, I couldn't drive and I spent a lot of time waiting for a ride because I couldn't call my mom to come and get me. 

Knowing first handed that going without technology will be extremely hard I need to be sure that I am able to go 48 hours without NEEDING, not just wanting, technology. I've decided to work hard this week to complete all of my assignments by Friday night so that I won't need technology at all on Saturday or Sunday. I plan to watch a movie on Friday night to get filled up on media, and to also let my friends and family know that I will be starting my tech fast. 

I think it'll be hard, but I'm up for the challenge because I think it also means using my time more effectively. I'm guessing that I'll be able to catch up on all of my reading and really enjoy time with family. We'll see on Sunday night just how I hold up without technology. 

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