Monday, March 16, 2015

Device Review

The device that I chose to review is called the TempTraq. The TempTraq is a wearable patch that is placed on the body of someone who may be experiencing a fever. The patch can be worn by people of all ages, but its target audience is babies.

Babies are not necessarily able to alert adults when they have a fever. They can cry or scream, but  fever may go unnoticed, which can result is serious consequences. TempTraq tries to prevent those consequences by keeping adults aware of the child's temperature.

It is a patch that is worn under the arm. Once the patch is turned on it lasts 24 hours. During that 24 hours it is constantly monitoring the temperature of whoever is wearing the patch. Alerts are sent to the smart phone to keep the adult updated about what is going on.

If there is a spike in temperature, an alert is sent. If the temperature stays fairly constant, you can see that too. Whatever is happening temperature wise can be seen on the smart phone that the blue tooth device is connected to.

I think that the idea of a temperature patch is absolutely brilliant. I think that it could prevent a lot of extreme medical situations from going unnoticed. The patch alerts adults so frequently that it would give a chance to prevent rather than to repair.

My concern with this device is the actual patches themselves. Are they reusable, rechargeable? Or can they only be used once? Only being able to use them once could make it really expensive, which could make it nearly impossible for the majority of people to use the device.

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