Monday, March 2, 2015

Group Project APP IDEA

The app that my group has chosen to move forward with is an app that will compile different games that use minimal extra accessories. The app will ease the pain that so many have during group gatherings of "having nothing to do." The app will allow for different demographics to engage in fresh activities without breaking the bank. 

Currently we are searching for game ideas on the Internet, through own personal experiences and from friends. As we search we have found a ton of games, which worries me that there will be too much information for the app to run smoothly. We've talked about the app grossing money without having advertisements by offering a free version that would include like 15 games and offer another version that would include all of the games for actual monetary gain. 

My biggest concern for this app is that we will run into copyright issues. I think that this can be avoided by picking and choosing the games we include in the app carefully. I think that older games (in a pioneer realm) will make avoiding copyright issues easier. 

Adding the pioneering aspect to the game will open a whole different target market. Establishing a target market is something that we really need to focus some attention on. Currently the personas we are working on are college/high school students, young married couples and parents. I'm not sure what target market pioneering will fit into exactly. 

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